DROP OFF: 7-8:30 AM
PICK UP: 5-6:30 PM

1 Day $30
5 Days* 125
10 Days* $220
*does not need to be used consecutively but must be used within 6 months from purchase date


$55 Per Night

MONDAY- FRIDAY: 9-10 AM or 5-6 PM
SATURDAY: 9-10 AM or 4:30-5:30 PM
SUNDAY: 9-10 AM or 4:30-5:30

If dogs are dropped off in the morning but picked up during the afternoon there will a $20 charge as they will be included in our training for that day.  

I wasn’t sure if I could rely on the online reviews to find the perfect photography company. But these guys were great – I can see why everyone likes them so much!” –Jason Hunter, Austin TX

3375 Edison Way | Menlo Park, CA 94025
We are happy to offer some Refresher Options for dogs that have previously been through one of our training courses. We offer a Refresher Day and a Refresher Stay option.

Refresher Day:  This is a great alternative to ordinary doggy daycare! Your dog will be included right along side of our current dogs enrolled in training to gain more fluency with their commands.  All of their manners such as proper greetings, leash manners and door manners will be reinforced throughout the day.  And they will get to have playtime for continued socialization with other dogs*.  This runs Monday through Friday. 

Refresher Stay: This is a great alternative to standard boarding. Your dog will be staying with people that they already know and trust plus they will get maintenance training, dog socialization and continued reinforcement of manners at no additional charge.  They will be included in our training rotation to gain more fluency with their commands and our social time with other dogs*.  We will reinforce the No Free Lunch Program and manners such as proper greetings, door manners, leash manners, etc. 

*If your dog is not dog social, we will continue to work on neutral behavior with other dogs and they will still receive some time out to play whether it be with a person or a toy.